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Works Cited


All the tips, strategies, and advice discussed on this website come from a variety of amazing sources on writing, writing in college, writing for LD students, and more. The list of references below is meant to give full credit where credit is due:


Academic Resource Center. Duke University. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.


Duke Thompson Writing Program. Duke University. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.


Student Disability Access Office (SDAO). Duke Disability Management System. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.


Grieve, Adam, et al. “Self-Report Assessment of Executive Functioning in College Students with Disabilities.” Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 27.1 (2014): 19 – 32. Print.


Hamel, Christine M. “Learning Disabilities in the Writing Center: Challenging Our Perspectives?” The Writing Lab Newsletter 26.8 (2002): 1-5. Print.


Hewett, Beth L. “Helping Students with Learning Disabilities: Collaboration between Writing Centers and Special Services.” The Writing Lab Newsletter 25.3 (2000): 1-5. Print.


Hitt, Alison. “Unlearning Accommodation: Universal Design for Learning and Multimodal Pedagogies.” Computers and Writing Conference. NCSU, Raleigh, NC. 2012. Conference Presentation.


Holmes, Alana, and Silvestri, Robert. “Assistive Technology Use by Students with Learning Disabilities in Postsecondary Education: A Case of Application before Investigation?” Canadian Journal of School Psychology 27.1 (2012): 81 – 97. Print.


Jones, Sarah R. “Digital Access: Using Blogs to Support Adolescent Writers with Learning Disabilities.” Teaching Exceptional Children 45.2 (2012): 16 – 23. Print.


Leopold, Lisa. “Prewriting Tasks for Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Learners.” TESL Canada Journal 29.2 (2012): 96 – 102. Print.


Li, Huijun, and Hamel, Christine M. “Writing Issues in College Students with Learning Disabilities: A Synthesis of the Literature from 1990 to 2000.” Learning Disability Quarterly 26 (2003): 29 – 46. Print.


Majorie, Brown. “Effects of Graphic Organizers on Student Achievement in the Writing Process.” (2011). ERIC. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.


Mooney, Jonathan, and David Cole. "Writing, Writing, Writing." Learning outside the Lines: Two Ivy League Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Give You the Tools for Academic Success and Educational Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. 157 - 192. Print.


Neff, Julie. “Learning Disabilities and the Writing Center.” The Longman Guide to Writing Center Theory and Practice. Eds. Robert W. Barnett and Jacob S. Blumner. New York, NY: Pearson, 2008. 376-90. Print.


U. S. Congress, 1969. Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act of 1969. (1969). Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. Print. 


Also, special thanks to Margaret Swezey and the Duke University Writing Studio!


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