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Image: Lay-out of a make-it-yourself website design, with empty boxes and unspecified buttons

Look through the images below. Each one represents a drafting strategy to streamline this critical stage of the writing process. Descriptions are provided underneath for more specific informaton.

Drafting for Visual Learners

Imagine the paper as website.

Sketch it out. 

  • A website layout provides an-easy to visualize organizational model

  • If you get stuck on organization, sketch out the paper as a website:

What goes on the main page?


What are the subpages?

Body paragraphs.

  • Save transitions for revision


Draw words from pictures.

  • If you get stuck trying to describe something (especially in creative writing), find an image/images that match your ideas

  • Write a list of words to describe the image

  • Go back and write with that word list on hand for inspiration

Image: Array of crooked and nicely written made-up words
Image: Highlighters of multiple colors (yellow, orange, pink, green, blue, and purple)


  • If paragraph structure is a challenge, color-code as you write 

  • Highlight the overall thesis and the topic sentence of each paragraph

  • Double check flow of paper by reading only the highlighted sentences

  • Use color to mark places that need revision, and continue writing without stopping and getting stuck on rough patches

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